Communication on Russian aggression in Ukraine
18 March 2022
We would like to inform you about the impact of the unprecedented Russian aggression in Ukraine on the Prefere Resins Group and the measures we have taken.
With the first war of aggression in Europe since the 2nd World War, the previously unthinkable has become a bitter reality: Russia's President Putin is waging war against democracy, freedom and humanity in Europe. Uninvolved civilians, women and children are killed. Soldiers die. Cities and entire regions are being destroyed. More than two million people have lost their homes and are on the run. The number of refugees is increasing daily. Human suffering is immeasurable.
We condemn Russian aggression in Ukraine in the strongest possible terms. It fundamentally violates our fundamental values. Our condemnation is directed against the Russian government and not against the Russian people.
In order to help the desperate people in Ukraine, we as the Prefere Group will donate 25,000 EUR to non-profit aid organizations that support the suffering civilian population in Ukraine and refugees from Ukraine. We want to support organisations in Germany, Finland and Poland.
It would be a sign of confidence and humanity if together we manage to double this amount to EUR 50,000.
At the German Red Cross, we have set up a donation link for all Prefere employees. Transfers can also be made to this account from abroad: Donation account Prefere Red Cross Germany
Outside of Germany, it is also possible to donate through the organizations of the Red Cross in the home country: Donation Account Red Cross France, Donation Account Red Cross Finland, Donation Account Red Cross UK, Donation Account Red Cross Poland, Donation Account Red Cross Austria, Donation Account Red Cross Romania and Donation Account Red Cross USA.
Two weeks ago, we set up a task force. There, the economic impact of Russian aggression in Ukraine for the Prefere Group is continuously recorded and evaluated. This enables us to react appropriately and to adapt the measures taken at any time.
In accordance with our values, we have decided to suspend our deliveries to customers in Russia and Belarus for the duration of hostilities.
We are working hard to ensure reliable and safe supply to our customers despite the upheavals in the international commodity markets and the uncertainties regarding supply chains. We strive to comply with our obligations to business partners.
We use only a small amount of raw materials of Russian origin. Nevertheless, we expect supply bottlenecks and significant price increases for raw materials and energy sources that are important to us in the coming weeks. Our team is continuously working to make us independent of the raw material markets of Russia and Belarus.
As part of the work of the Task Force, we have taken the necessary measures to maintain our ability to deliver and to minimise the risks to the Prefere Resins Group that we may influence.
We wish you all the best even in this difficult and uncertain time. Don't lose hope and stay confident. In our thoughts we are with all those who courageously defend their freedom and who are suffering from the consequences of Russian aggression.
Best wishes
Elmar Boeke Micaela Schönherr
CEO, Prefere Resins Gruppe CFO Prefere Resins Gruppe
We are happy to help you
Désirée Prêt
Executive Assistant
desiree.pret (at)
+49 3362 72 524